I've got to say, even after all the day drinking we did before stopping it, this place STILL was a disappointment.
I'll be honest, we only came here because Geisha had an hour and fifteen minute wait. Crazy.
There were four of us. Sitting on the patio. In the dark. Bring a flashlight, seriously it's dark. And something to stabilize the table... they wobble. Good thing there's no cutting involved.
My buddy and I ordered edamame to start, and then the Crispy Spicy Tuna and the Spicy Shrimp and Scallops. The Scallops is $21!! We were a little hesitant at the price of just one item but to use his words "Oh man, we're in for a real treat!".
Out comes the food. The Crispy Spicy Tuna is FOUR pieces. Womp Womp. All it is... is crunch. No real flavor or spiciness. Just super hard and crunchy.
THEN the real joke comes. Our Spicy Shrimp and Scallops is literally ONE overcooked Jumbo Shrimp, TWO smallish scallops and four rice cakes sitting in a bowl of broth. I'll give them this, the broth was delicious. Super spicy and awesome. But the portion size is a joke considering the price. We were laughing hysterically at our gross overstatement of a "real treat".
Oh and the edamame was never brought out. Our server... Jennifer? Jessica? She was sweet and apologized and graciously removed it from the bill.
The bathrooms are super weird also. The sliding door is like wide open for the restaurant to see in to and I wasn't sure if i was supposed to shut it... strange. Each stall is closed, but you can see the urinals in the men's room as you walk in to the women's. Very awkward and not too clean.
I won't return.