You wouldn't know it, but I secretly love rock climbing. I haven't done it a lot, but when I have it is always fun. The first place I ever tried indoor rock-climbing was at the Stronghold just of Centre Street.
I think one of the reasons I loved it so much was that I immediately felt like I was walking into a community. Everyone seem to know you and they were excited that there was someone new to bring into the fold.
Now since I'm not an expert climber, I can't really comment on the "courses" that are set up, but as a beginner I had a great time climbing. They were easy, but challenging.
The staff really seemed like a coherent team and were willing to take time to teach you properly, after all it is their jobs.
And if you don't have anyone to go with, don't worry. They have a machine that help you climb by yourself! Seems a bit sketchy, but it totally worked!
As the winter months get closer and closer, you might want to look into Stronghold!