I decided to pay this place a visit off a recommendation of a fellow yelper. He said I'd love the spicy pot and you know what, I absolutely did! I went on like a Wednesday night so there wasn't even a line and I had superb service! The servers kept coming to ask me if I wanted more and consistently refilled the soup base. I don't had too many complaints. Reason for a lack of 5 stars is the freshness in the ingredients..it's not bad but could be better. The trip tasted a bit off.. Maybe it was cut too thick. The sauce options were good and I liked how all orders were on an iPad. Only downfall is you have no record of what you order, so you can't even verify if everything you wanted came. All memory based.
I wanted to come back for a group party but they were asking for 700 min before taxes and tip for one of this private rooms...it was too much for hot pot.
Though I do love the decor! Can't find another hot pot place with better decor, that's for sure.