This place does not accept AMEX.
The people are friendly.
- Z Burger: for some reason, I thought this was NOT earth-shattering. Everyone else is so impressed. Either Canadians have low standards for burgers or my burger didn't have the Z sauce (in which case, shame on them for messing up the crowd-pleasing ingredient on one of their few signatures). The burger was good, but I've had much better all over America.
- Oreo milkshake: this was just okay. I wasn't blown away. I would rather get an Oreo Blizzard from Dairy Queen or something.
- Greek fries: do not get these for children because they don't smell that great. The flavor was pretty good in small doses, but the smell killed me. Moreover, I like my fries crispy and these were very floppy. They look like they've been soaking in the oil for hours before I wanted them. But the fries are pretty good for sharing.
I would rate them lower but I think somehow my experience was an anomaly. All the other reviewers were blown away.