| - I kept trying to hold out hope that Schoepp Motors is a good place.
The Good:
1. I bought my car from them in February, and so far, it's a good car. I only had one problem with it, and it was a 'common problem with civics.'
2. There is one guy in particular who works in the service department who is exceptionally friendly, and has been each time I've dealt with him. Yay for that dude, whoever he is.
The Ick:
1. The guy who sold me my car pressured me into signing NOWNOWNOW, and used fear tactics like nobody's business. This is possibly because I'm a 20-something woman who came in alone. Obviously, because I bought the car, his tactics worked...but I was pissed about how I was treated. Also, I had to ask him for the Carfax report no less than 5 times (including the time when he'd finally retrieved the report, but was holding it, instead of handing it to me), because he kept wanting me to sign papers instead of making sure I wasn't buying a flooded car. He had no respect for my budgetary or loan-length desires. I almost walked out on him, but I knew how hard it was to find a car just like the one I bought for the price, so I caved.
2. Apparently, you have to agree to an $85 charge up front before a mechanic will "look" at your car. Any labor or parts are additional. This was still the case when they knew exactly what my "very common problem" was and how to fix it. The repair ended up being over $150 (but fortunately, I'd purchased an expensive warranty, so it was covered--but they made me sign the $85 agreement BEFORE they found out if my warranty would cover the charges or not).
3. The lady at the service center counter who messed up, but then tried to blame me for parking where I did, as though I would know. This same person got extremely snippy with me when I questioned the $85 charge ("Do you want him to look at the car or not?! Then sign here").
So, despite the pretty, polished interior, there's an insidious vibe going on at Schoepp Motors. I've decided that they're getting no more of my business, unless I'm forced to go there for warranty repairs.