Ok so loved the old FEZ, and my best friend had me meet him here and neglected to tell me it moved. Thank sweet baby Jesus for GPS! So after driving around completely confused for about 5 minutes I found it and the new FEZ is beautiful! I mean the inside is just gorgeous... Now that I have gotten that out of the way let's move to my next favorite the food is amazing, I've tried a couple of different dishes and appetizers and EVERYTIME it was a hit.
The service is good too attentive but not annoying, informative but not pushy, friendly but not the Gawd what kind of drugs are they on kind of friendly either... So to me the service is the perfect balance.
And my fav is the drinks !! I went on Tini Tuesday and the certain Martinis where $4 and they were yummy and strong, so much so that after two I had to crash at a nearby friends house!
We did get dessert the last time and I wasn't wow'd, but then again I'm supposed to be on a diet so I wasn't supposed to get desert lol!
The verdict: great food, great service, amazing drinks and good prices! Go there like now !!!