| - Old. In fact, it's the oldest arena still in use in all of North American professional sports. As of this writing, it's got one more hockey season in it before it will be replaced by the (hopefully) epic new arena across the street. The age of this building shows in so many ways that, as much I'd like to, it's hard to get over it and make a "heart and soul" argument for it's greatness.
As a facility, the place is all old-school Pittsburgh steel construction. The retractable roof, hasn't been retracted in 30-some-odd years (and was meant to be retracted for night-time summer symphony orchestra shows...strange). The place lacks modern amenities, and sadly, the beer and food selection is also from the 60''s almost exclusively hot dogs, pretzels, and nachos here. It's like a time warp. Also, there are some really bizarre, awkward, and inconvenient sight lines depending on where you sit. Really awkward.
On the bright side, Mellon Arena does offer a unique hockey experience. Apart from the super-arenas like Staples Center, this the most vertically-blessed barns I've ever been to. Having gone to 20+ games here over four years and having sat all over the place, the concept of being "on top of the action" is more real here than any place's you'll probably ever see again. There's a 5th deck for friggin' sake! This makes for a lot of fan-action intimacy at key times in playoff games, etc.
The last good thing I'll mention, though I'm not sure if they still do it now, is that they used to offer game-time tickets to college students for $20. And these tickets weren't nosebleeds, but rather any seat that hadn't sold an hour before the game. I was able to score some great seats this way. However, given the Penguins success lately, I'm sure that's not so possible anymore.
I won't say I'll miss this place when it's gone, but I guess I can admit to remembering it whenever I go enjoy the new house across the street.