Worst haircut of my life :(. I asked for a cut past my shoulders and left with my hair skimming my collarbone. I'd been going to pixie chix for several years (been going to the Shawnessy location for ages even before they had changed the name) but had always gone to see the same stylist whose left now. I went in with confidence that I'd get a good haircut regardless. I showed the girl a picture of what I wanted and came out with a cut a good 2-3 inches shorter than what was on the picture or what she showed me she would cut it to. Mind you I came in with hair halfway down my back and it was healthy, so there was no reason for it needing to go so short. I might not have given such a low rating if the response to my disappointment were different. I let the girl know that I was unhappy with how short my hair was and she told me that "I guess you weren't ready for a haircut". I was ready to lose some length, but was not prepared for the haircut she gave me. Very very disappointing.