After they switched management it has been just godawful. First it was a good clean quite and well kept community. Now it's just full of inconsiderate college kids who have no respect for other peoples belongings. Not to say all of the residence there are bad. I have made great friends there.
Just last month my wife's car was vandalized, filed a police report reached out to the complex to their reply " sorry there isn't anything we can do". This passed weekend my car was vandalized in the same manor as my wife's. Not to say it's just our cars but there are quite a few others that have the same. I go to the office with the officer and all they say sorry you can not break your lease or do anything we can not help you. I fear for my wife to the point if someone would harm her. I will be taking legal action against this complex, for any others who have had the same issues please reach out to me. It will make for a stronger case against the.
As for future residence I advise you to go else where, for what you pay here the service sucks, the interior of the so called "luxury" sucks. The complex is a dang mess all the time. The gym is so small I cant even get a work out done properly. Just a awful place, please consider other places unless this is your last last last very last option.
Thank you.