This is a review of the cafe within this market.
This cafe specializes in numerous Asian dishes. They have cooked ducks hanging in a display case. They feature drinks with boba and taro. A lot of the signs are written in Chinese. It appears to be fairly authentic. That said, it didn't look like anything I had when I was in Taiwan. My wife got a beef-noodle soup. She seemed to like it. Our daughter got a chopped beef and rice dish. It was very fatty.
I don't really like this place. My wife thinks it is OK, mostly I think because of the drinks (made with taro, melon, boba, and other similar items). There is no waiter service. Food usually comes out within 10 minutes. Not very expensive.
I won't recommend this place. But if you want some Asian food on the cheap, and aren't too picky about fat, you might like it. Or find it is adequate.
The market itself is a good Asian market with many authentic items from several countries. But I'll review that another time.