I was struggling mightily with the my set of Ping's. Chris Eastman, PGA Pro at this Golf Galaxy, let me hit several brands of irons and noticed the lie angles were off for standard fit clubs. He showed me I needed clubs 2 degrees, if I expected to hit shots on a consistent track. I special ordered a set of Cobra's, as result of their tracking monitor showing this brand to be the longest and straightest. They came quicker than promised. He then scheduled time (under his supervision) for me to hit each iron several times on their monitor that allowed me to determine a distance estimate for each club; which proved invaluable when I hit the golf course. I subsequently ordered a hybrid and matching fairway wood. Again he took time to help me set a distance baseline. I've now played a few rounds and can affirm the clubs have been fitted to me properly. I you want competent, professional help w/o any pressure to buy, Chris Eastman will provide that service.