| - I ate at VooDoo Tuna a week ago and beyond trying to figure out why they chose a culturally appropriative business name (what does a fish have to do with a religion stemming from African diaspora? The name is basically the equivalent of Catholicism Walleye), I'm still trying to figure out what they "fused" with Asian cuisine to come up with their menu. Is it Asian/Douchebag fusion? Asian/Dude Bro fusion? Either way, its not a fusion I'd recommend fusing with.
The bar feels like you're in the home goods section of World Market. It has nice floors, a nice bar, nice pendant lighting, but none of these components actually mesh together. Also the blue/purple lighting from above the bar was super Miami Vice. There's a place and time for that, but its not here, Don Johnson.
Here are the things I ate & drank and a short description of them:
toyko mule= quite refreshing, delicious- actually, the carrot dangled in my face that kept me in my seat for 110 minutes.
bbq eel steamed bun= inedible, literally served in a pool of sauce. Should be called "miniature eel sloppy joes with extra sauce"
lobster nachos= I want you to picture one of those heinous jello salads that someone's aunt who had no friends would bring to a party in the 70's. Does it have sour cream and unintelligible fruits in it? Perfect. Now you know what to expect when you order the lobster nachos at VooDoo Tuna. There is a mound of a lobster-like-salad encompassed by a mountain of chips that are unidentified fried something. They just taste like fried- you could offer me a million dollars to tell you what they consisted of and I couldn't tell you.
Were you expecting cheese on these nachos? Surely you jest, these nachos are the kind of nachos drizzled with a sweet brown syrup! You know, Asian fusion dessert nachos! DUH
unagi roll- do you like the idea of the sweet potato casserole from Boston Market encased in rice? Order this roll!
lakewood roll- tastes like something you'd get at a fair. Like fried mayo and a crappy prize that you'll donate to Goodwill in 6 months.
Bright sides/ my reason for more than 1 star= My waitress was really wonderful and definitely felt bad that it took about 45 minutes to get our sushi. (This wait was fine- its made to order and we had apps & drinks.) My drink was seriously great, and my date enjoyed their drink as well.