The only thing holding me back from a 5-star rating was the price of the tickets....however, considering it's Vegas, it is definitely par for the course there. I really feel like these shows could be about 30% cheaper to be sure to fill the theaters every seems a waste otherwise for such talent to go unseen!
The Blue Man Group is one that I'd had on my list of "want to's" for several years now. The problem was that most of my friends had already seen it and didn't want to miss out on seeing something new and unique each time we flew into town. So, I was beginning to think I would have to go it alone. Thankfully, on my last trip, I was finally with someone in the group who ALSO was waiting for another newbie to want to see it - so we induldged as first-timers together!
I'm so glad I finally got to see what all the hubub was about - these guys really work well together and kept the audienced engaged by sheer confusion as to what to expect next!
The show is definitely family-friendly, all-age fun = my favorite type in Vegas because it gets you away from all the other naughty-vice-driven theater for a couple of hours :) Alas, I've only seen the show once, however I guess I checked in when I bought the tix and again when it was showtime - I'll have to go back and make an honest Yelp outta this one!