| - The coffee cake is amazing.
Otherwise? Well.... it was fine until the last few times.
My family and I love it's convenient location and, due to the coffee cake, we frequent there at random intervals. Sometimes my husband and the kids and I, sometimes just my sister and I when she's in town.
However, any time they sit us in the back, the service goes DOWNHILL, VERY fast. I recommend you insist on sitting in the front in order to get decent service.
On top of that, something was particularly odd yesterday and I doubt we will be going back after this incident. Now, my sister and I ARE large women. So booth, though we CAN handle it, isnt exactly the most comfortable. Most times they ask us and we take whatever we can get because usually the place is so packed and we want in bad enough that we take booth or table, whichever comes first. However, yesterday, the place was relatively empty, but instead of asking, the guy who seated us just shoved us into a booth in the back, while several tables were open in the front. I guess we werent pretty enough to sit in the front?
Let me explain how us in a booth works. I sit in the corner (being the smaller of the two), then the booth table has to be angled, pinning me in, so that she can fit to sit.
A table was sat down about two or three minutes later. Our waitress tended to them first. I guess she didnt see us. She then rushed over to take our order. I requested coffee. She says "yeah, but what food do you want?", rushing us through making a food order. So... we did. We hurried up and ordered food.
So... she brings coffee and cocoa for myself and my sister... then the coffee cake a few minutes later. After a time, they then bring our breakfast.
I take two bites of my breakfast potatoes and then she's already bringing us the check! It took longer for her to bring us coffee cake than it did for her to bring us the check after bringing us food. Truly... I had a pair of sunny side up eggs that hadnt even had the yolks broken yet when she's pushing the check on us already. I turn it away and carry on my breakfast. Several minutes later, she comes BACK with the check! I again turn it away. By this time, I notice that the man who seated us is talking to the waitress who tends the front, and they are pointing at us and talking in great length about us (It's OBVIOUSLY about us). He then proceeds to sit at the end of the counter (we were in the corner of the back where we could be seen from the front if you were at the counter) and ate a meal... staring at us the whole time. It was SUPER awkward. When the waitress pushed the ticket on us the third time, I got the message and left over half my meal there, taking the hint and getting the hell out of there.
I'm not sure why they wanted us out so bad, but fair enough... we wont be returning. Too bad. The coffee cake is REALLY good.