Oh salty yummy Poutine, how I miss thee...
You can't go to Montreal and not have Poutine! My friend suggested I try the Poutine at La Belle Province. He warned me it was nothing fancy, "It's a grease joint". I up for a little grease once in awhile. We ordered up a small Poutine. It looked delicious and smelled amazing. I had the honour of digging in first - the gravy was so tasty and the cheese all owey gooey on those rustic cut french fries....YUM! I got through only about a 1/4 of it and had to wash it down with my Coke. This is certainly not something I could eat all the time but man was it good! I'll have to go run a few miles to burn it off as I'm sure I gained an extra pound that day!
I have to agree with my friend that diners have the best poutine! Give it shot you won't be disappointed. Just remember to take it real slow!! :)