I don't know what was going on with Vegas this week. Maybe it was a city wide experiment to see what would happen if the famed hospitality of Las Vegas ended. We were forced to wait an hour, with a reservation. Once a cocktail table actually opened we ordered a drink (which should have been comped but was not), which we had ample time to finish and still wait. We were then all but kicked out of the cocktail table for not ordering another drink while we were still waiting for our table to open up. I understand that things happen, you cannot gauge exactly when a table will empty out, but when you are expecting about 100 bucks out of every person you seat, at the very least grab them a well drink or a soda if you are forcing them to wait an hour, and bring a loaf of bread by. We were there for a convention, and had been on our feet for 12 hours that day.
If you are incredibly patient and don't mind horrible service, the food is absolutely worth the price. I wish there was a space for additional comments on "takes reservations" at the bottom.