| - On the advice of a new acquaintance, we ordered Cox internet in our new Vistancia home. They don't require a contract for internet service, and was I ever glad about that. Evidently our Lone Mountain Road area neighborhood is one in which Cox has too many customers drinking from the same hose. Read their reviews; you'll see what I mean. Speeds would go from 120Mbps (on a 5e cable) down to less than 20 starting at approx 0900 and remain there until mid or late afternoon. While their CSRs seemed responsive, none would admit to the real problem. I spent an hour on the phone with a Level 2 tech, and while he was nice enough, he just couldn't tell me that their capacity was insufficient in my area. That is lying (no doubt mandated from above). It was endless rebooting, and various other items from the script that were to solve the issue. Trying to run a business is impossible when the darn browsers won't come up at all.
Master electrician Ron Phipps noticed that prior occupants had had a Zona hookup at the box. When I could stand it no longer, I cancelled Cox and called Zona. It was like going from a dog crap sandwich to a BLT with lots of B. Angie, a computer engineering student, answered the phone and was, right off the bat, incredibly outgoing, fun, and knowledgeable with no corporate bs to shade the call. She explained that Zona concentrates on areas where Cox is deficient (of course, Cox could not admit to ANY deficiencies). With no bs, she explained comprehensively all the options and the technical landscape. I took a big bite of BLT.
Troy and Clay, the technicians, came out for the install and were an absolute hoot (competence assumed and verified). They spent lots of time, hooked up three 5e jacks (which Cox said they'd do but at a cost well exceeding the work required). The Zona guys gave me an education about IP and MAC addresses and how to monitor my wireless, which nobody else did. Zona increased my knowledge while Cox took advantage of my ignorance.
Cox ain't the only game in town. The concept of doing unto others what you would have others do unto you is, doubtless by fiat, absent from their playbook. Lambs versus goats. Get Zona.