Dance much? This is the first country dance hall that I have been to in ages. It's located in a discrete building right in down-town Mesa.
5 bucks gets you into 3-hours of non-stop country dancing. They play slow, swing, and today's best country tracks (with a few line-dances here and there). Like I said, it has been forever since I did any kind of real dancing (hehe) so I was a little nervous - but my nerves were left at the door because I had a blast! I've been two weeks in a row and just like anything the crowd fluctuates, but there are always guys flipping girls around in the air - and lots of people willing to lend a hand if you need help with the basics.
I am not so brave as to let a guy take me off the ground, but the crowd has such diverse dancing levels that nobody stands out. Though I have to say (from a people-watcher stand point) those couples doing flips in the air are amazing to watch!
However, I fit right in with the peeps wanting to keep both feet on the ground as we dance around the floor. Line dancing is always a blast and if you don't know what you're doing, you can just jump in and learn as you go!!
I've had so much fun at 12 W Main and it's an awesome place to go for some great music and fun! It's only Wednesday nights from 9pm - midnight and it's $5 a person.
Oh! And they have karaoke! Not every week, but I think they try to do it every other night, I will try to get a website where they make announcements for things like that.
There are bottled waters for .50 cents, but nothing else - so eat first.