This store needs certain somebody to be retrained. She never smile, never greet people and gives people an attitude when you needed help every time i see her. Every employee I've met in this store is super duper nice. Expect that one person. I was here today with my mom. She had 2 dividers on her register. She got angry with me when i grabbed the available divider nearer to her. She was telling me how no one can have that specific divider. She is the only person who can use it. I mean like you have 2 divider and 6 people behind me. Some of this people has cart filled with items. Your letting us use 1 of them. Wtf?? The person infront of me still have items left. I have so much stuff in front of me to buy. The person behind me has 4 to 6 items in his arm. Him and 5 other people behind him was waiting for the other divider. I don't get why she's the only one who has the problem with it. What else are we suppose to use to divide between ours and the person behind us ? Our arm? Someone need to retrain her if she expected that to happen.