I was on this side of town for an early evening meeting and had a few hours to kill. I didn't want to drive home and burn the gas and waste time, so I came to this library to get some work done.
I enjoy going to the public libraries near my home and had been to this library before, but that was years ago.
I was disappointed to discover that this library is nothing like the libraries in my neighborhood. The furniture is old and they don't have any seats with cushions! All of the seating was hard wood chairs on community tables where you have to share your space with up to 4 people. Other libraries that I visit often have individual, padded chairs with more privacy.....this was Strike 1.
I settled onto a table with one other person who seemed to be minding his own business and quietly reading....perfect.
About 30 minutes later a couple of teenagers sat at the table next to me and began talking a bit loudly......several people including myself gave them a dirty look. They didn't care. Then one of them got a call on his cell phone......the phone wasn't on vibrate and was ringing loudly. Perfect, now the librarian will come over and throw them out......there is a "No Cell Phone Use" policy in the library and I've seen people get evicted for using their phone at the libraries in my neighborhood.....not at this one! He continued to talk for several minutes.....meanwhile I watched several library employees nearby do nothing.....Strike 2.
Now I'm a little pissed.....a few minutes later, he gets another call! Still no action from the employees.....Strike 3. By this point, I was too mad to concentrate.....I left immediately and went to a bar/lounge that I knew would be more peaceful than that.
Will I return? Not unless I'm forced to.