What an AWESOME show! I really had the BEST time and would rank this as one of my favorite shows I've seen in Vegas!
I didn't know which of the different acts were going to be performing on the night I went, but I was definitely entertained and impressed with each one I saw! The host, Wally Eastwood not only kept the show running smooth, but was hilarious with his funny, self-depricating humor! I really enjoyed all of his juggling acts and couldn't believe when he played songs on the piano with the balls he was juggling. . .AMAZING!
Some of my favorites of the night included:
-Russ Merlin! I had tears streaming down my face from his act with the different masks on audience members! I had never seen anything like this and I LOVED it. The whole audience was laughing and really engaged the entire time! Props to the 4 gentlemen who were chosen for being such good sports!
-Turf was great as well! I had to look away a few times because of his crazy contortionist moves! I didn't think it was possible for someone to literally turn their body and arms all the way around. Amazing talent.
-The Skating Aratas were the perfect way to end the show! I mean, THAT was incredible. I recommend upgrading your seats to VIP so you can bypass the wait and get closer seats. . .but another perk was being RIGHT UNDER the Aratas while they did their impressive lifts/spins! I felt like I was right in on the action and it made the experience that much cooler!
I can't recommend this show enough! Since there are a variety of acts that circulate through, this is also a show I could go see again and again, which is great!