| - We got suckered into signing up for their timeshare presentation while staying at the Flamingo. They use little old ladies to get your attention, because who can turn down an old lady?
We were offered the romance package - 2 tickets for a VIP gondola ride at the Venetian and a free dinner worth over $150 dollars! In reality, this meant a $17 shared gondola ride and dinner at a terrible restaurant whose food had no flavor.
Back to the hook, they tell you when you sign up that you will get a free breakfast/lunch buffet when you arrive and it will take 2-3 hours and not to eat anything. Since the hubby and I had no plans, we signed up for the 9:45am presentation. We get to the desk at 9:15am the next morning. We're placed in a taxi and driven 10-15 mins off the strip. We sign in and wait and wait for our assigned sale person to take us, along with others into a room where we sit through a 1.5 hour or so presentation.
Since we hadnt eaten we were getting HANGRY... we are taken to the nearby casino buffet to have the most awkward lunch with our sales guy ever.............. who wants to sit and fake conversation while trying to pig out. When i let the sales guy know that we were not interested in buying a timeshare... he started getting an attitude. I told him straight up that we will not be buying and I didnt want to waste his time and we had plans at 1pm. He would not let us go early and was a jerk about us not trying to buy. When we started getting tired, the sales guy tried to say you need to listen to what im saying. The price started at $19k, after we said no, it went down to $15k, then when we said no again... it went down to $10k. The merry go round they send you on is a joke. First its the sales guy, then the sales manager, than the ppl who is suppose to get you your gift, then the ppl who actually get you your gift.
Overall the entire process was draining. We were there from 9:30am until 1:30pm. And their "courtesy shuttle" wouldn't even drop us off at our hotel. Definitely not worth the "value" and sales people and manager give you a hard time when you state you are CLEARLY not interested. Did they really expect me to spend thousands of dollars in 3 hours??