Beware this location has unregistered massage therapists so if youre planning to be reimbursed through your benefits, think twice. My boyfriend and I got a couples massage thinking that it would be great to take advantage of their 60$ intro offer. We ended up regretting coming here after finding out our massuists werent registered massage therapists because our benefit companies refused to reimburse us due to the aforementioned. We made it clear to the receptionist that we would be claiming through our benefits for their services. Everything seemed fine until I didnt get reimbursed soI look back at the receipt and I noticed that the RMT number looked a little weird. I phoned to request that a new receipt be sent with the correct RMT number only to get the same response from my benefit company. Thank god we didnt sign up to be members as it sounds like a nightmare judging from previous reviews. Massage Heights- offering shady service is not going to win you more customers. Im sure things will work themselves out in the end to get what you deserve.