Another reviewer on this site said this and its worth repeating "I really WANTED to like this place". The hookah is passable although I can think of several better places to smoke. The food is very good but the portions are minuscule! What has got me every time is the service. While every server I have had is bright and friendly they just can't seem to perform. Being understaffed is irrelevant to me and if you are still understaffed after my 4th visit then there is something wrong.....possibly with me for giving the place 4 chances.
To top it off they auto-grat'ed me on a 3 top tonight! Fastest way to loose a tip from me entirely is to auto-gratuity, particularly when the service has been poor.
Folks, I want to like Nu! I really do! But you are not making it easy! While I hope they make it thru the winter I'm not holding my breath.