I've been reluctantly been dragged to the Rhythm Room a number of times and have never regretted it. I hate paying covers, so the beginning of the night usually involves me bitching about the five bucks I have to shell out.
Once inside though, there's nothing quite like RR. It's got freaks on the dance floor, a good crowd that's usually pumped to listen to some good tunes, cheap drinks and fast bartenders.
I'm usually reluctant to go some place when I don't know the band and I'm sure others are as well, so lemme address that: I've been to RR seven or so times since moving here and have never been let down. They book great, bluesy-soul acts that I always enjoy. Far and away the best bands I've seen in Phoenix.
So quit whining about cover charges, go to the Rhythm Room and shake what your momma gave you.