| - This is your typical AMPM with all the essentials and then some. Their coffee bar options are extensive including machines for a latte additive and whipped topping as well as myriad syrups and creamers. Unfortunately, they do not have one of the new Coke vending machines with 1000's of drink options, but they do offer both Coke and Pepsi options in their soda fountain. They also have all the regular snacks (but, sadly, not the regular or caramel Spitz).
As with other AMPMs, they have a car wash and gas. Best of all, they have free car vacuuming stations. Just pull in, suck out the sunflower seeds and French fries from between the seats, and off you go!
Don't miss this important tip:
AMPM has an app that is worthwhile to use daily. Each day that you drive by an AMPM and "Check-in" via the app, you receive three virtual scratchers. You can scratch away or save them until you need a cup of coffee or soda or just a surprise to brighten your day. I collect scratchers every day just by driving by one at the gym, or starting the app and checking in while driving under an AMPM on the freeway. You do not need to be in the store or even its parking lot for the store to register on the app. For about every 6-9 scratchers, I receive a surprise. Sometimes I win a BOGO or buy one and get something else at a discount, but I usually get completely free items. I can walk into an AMPM, show my app, and walk out with coffee, a hot dog, M&M's, water, and other stuff without spending a dime. It's awesome! In addition to the above gifts, I've received cookies, Snicker's, generic candies, rib sandwiches, cheeseburgers, and more just by clicking on the app each day when I drive by an AMPM. BONUS!