| - (This was originally posted under Ru Yi Noodle House, which I believe is the same cuz that's translated from its Chinese name)
I usually do not rant on Yelp. But people should be alert of this kind of shitty service and not give your money away.
We visited on Dec 20th evening, I wasn't even planning to eat here, just walking pass-by and saw the board outside says milk bubble tea in Chinese. It was late in the evening, and a bit chilly so I decided to get a cup of warm bubble tea.
5 minutes after I ordered a hot milk tea with bubble, I couldn't believe I was still engaged in conversation with the owner. It goes like this:
Me: I want a hot milk tea.
Owner: Do you want bubbles?
Me: Yes.
Owner: Do you want it hot or cold?
Me: Hot, do you serve hot?
Owner: Well, you know most people usually prefer cold milk tea, since it's better experience..
Me: (interrupts) so do you make it hot?
Owner: If you insist, I can make it hot..but most people want it cold you know. Do you want bubbles?
Me: Yes. How much is it?(taking my money out)
Owner: it's 75cents extra with bubbles, so 5.75 without bubble, and 6.5 with bubbles.
Me: (not happy with this overpriced tea, but it's tourism area, so i put my money on the table), ok, i want a hot milk tea with bubbles.
Owner: so you still want it hot?
Back to where we began!! And while conversing, some customers entered, so this owner just left in the middle of our conversation and turned to attend those new customers who apparently wanted to dine(so potentially worth more money than me), i've never experienced server this rude. Btw, the restaurant was pretty much empty. They had at least 3 servers out including the owner, so he didn't have to attend to those customers.
Meanwhile, another server who was pouring tea (yes they do have a hot teapot I saw that) behind the counter, asked the owner what I wanted in Chinese. I can understand them the whole time, it basically went "ok, what does she want? she wants milk tea, hot"(very impatiently). I asked my last question: "so will you serve hot milk tea or not??", owner again murmured: "Well, you know most people usually prefer cold milk tea, since it's better experience..but if you insist i can make hot". OMFGGGG, it's a matter of 6 dollars, if you can not offer what you say you can, just DON'T SAY YOU OFFER IT!
So 15 minutes of unpleasant conversations and wait later, I stormed out without milk tea. And did I mention that on their milk tea menu on the wall, there was no price at all?? Obviously they like to charge whatever price they have for ya. It's a shame that they try to fool tourists especially Chinese tourists. I didn't pay anything in the end, but I believe other reviewers were right about them adding extra for tip. Of course they will.