| - DONT EVER BUY A CAR FROM AUTO NATION!! They are dishonest. Now anyone who knows me knows that I am not one to say mean things about people and I am pretty easy going. I let most things just go, but I am so angry with this company and their lack of customer service and integrity. I just think people should know the truth and that these companies should not be able to get away with treating their customers so badly. I would like to share my story in hopes that it might help others not to be in a vulnerable situation like mine. I took my 370Z into AutoNation Nissan in Chandler to have my convertible top looked at because it was going down slow and when i came to pick it up they said it was in perfect shape and back to factory standards. As I was leaving, I tried to put it down and it was still having the same issues. So I told them to keep the car and fix it and i would come back tomorrow. I then got a call from them the next day informing me that one of my brackets was broken and neither my Nissan Warranty nor my extended warranty would cover the repairs. Then they asked me if I was sitting down. They then informed me that the cost for the part to repair my top was $17,000, yes you read it right Seventeen Thousand Dollars!!! That was just for the part. It's pretty funny that the day before the top was perfect, but now the bracket was broken. My 7 year old granddaughter could see where the bracket had been broken when I brought it home after they broke it. If she could see it right away why couldn't a trained auto technician do the same. Hum, I think we all know what happened. ..they broke it!!! After spending months trying to talk to Auto Nation & Nissan and my lawyer sending them letters they still refuse to fix it. I am angry with Nissan and I despise Auto Nation. I am not asking for the world , I am just asking them to fix what they broke. Shame on both of them. At least Nissan had the class to respond to my letter, but Auto Nation, nope not a peep from them. If this is the way they do business, I nor any of you, should be subjected to their corruption. All I can hope for is that Karma will find them. So the moral of this story is......DO NOT EVER BUY A CAR FROM AUTO NATION!!!