I have been taking my cat companions (4 different ones throughout the years) to Monroe Road Animal Hospital for over twenty years. I adopted two cats at once from MRAH. The office staff (members) are competent, supportive, helpful, friendly and accommodating.
Drs. Davis and Widay are professionals who know their medical stuff. I appreciate it that they "get" the connection between humans and animals.They are respectful, kind, understanding and occasionally humorous. They do everything possible to be sure that Josie receives the treatment she needs to maintain or improve.
Aided by one of the brave office cats, one of the Techs taught me how to give my cat subcutaneous fluids for her kidney issues. Alvero is great with Josie, and I think she secretly likes him very much. I don't remember the name of each person who has contributed something to help my cat and me. I do remember their competency, smiles and happy attitudes.
The main building and the boarding facility have both been updated. They are clean and odorless. You can even buy a cool t-shirt to contribute to the adoptions program.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!