Don't trust Sevice Pro's plummer contractor with City of Tempe they will rip you off! They will rip you off! They will rip you off! They will rip you off! They scammed a $1800.00 WATSEW insurance main drain exterior permit scam on us and lied about trees busting our pipes under our front yard told us it would cost $25,000! We had a different Plummer come to inspect and shot video of the pipe and there was zero damage! We demanded a $1800.00 refund from City of Tempe which we are still waiting on for over a month and have gone to City of Tempe over 5 times demanding the refund! We also demanded them to fire the thieves scam artist fraud Service Pros! The real question is how many people have Service Pros plummers scammed with fraudulent videos lying to people ripping up yards and City of Tempe streets, pipes and manholes! Probably in the millions! Do not trust Service Pros plummers they will rip you off thousands! I have records of this and please contact me before you use Service Pros! They are fraud scam artist low life modern day thieves! I have the proof, records and Gary Harper is next along with the BBB and all the review sites!