I would give this place 0 stars if it was at all possible...
Went there a few weeks ago to meet some friends to watch some preseason football. Out waitress was nice, the food was good, and the beer was cold. It was a good experience till the 4th quarter...
The table in front of us had a female drinking a beer who was standing for a bit blocking our view. Finally, after a few minutes out friend leaned over to their table and asked nicely if she could sit so we could see the game. She responded, "I work here" and gave us a dirty look. Really? And? What does that have to do with the fact that we couldn't see?
She was clearly not working at the moment (she was holding a beer and an unlit cigarette) and asking her to sit seemed like a simple request. She sat and began talking about our table to her friends who were with her. Our waitress stopped by to see if we needed anything and as she walked away the "standing girl" pulled her aside. We watched her talk and point at our table to our waitress and when we made eye contact she flipped us off. Yes, she literally told us she worked there and then flipped us off! I have never been so disrespected as a patron of a restaurant!
Furious now, we asked for a manager and he came over. We told him what happened and he apologized for her and said he would talk to her. A few minutes later she came back over and sat at her table proceeded to talk about us again. Finally the manager told her to leave. He came back to our table to let us know that she had been drinking, he asked her to leave and would be talking to her when she was sober.
Just to confirm I wasn't crazy or overreacting, a woman at an uninvolved table came by ours after it was over and told us she watched the whole thing and was on our side. She couldn't believe that an employee would be so rude and flip us off.
I guarantee I won't be back for anymore football games or anything else. I will not give a dime to a restaurant that employes people who think it is ok to disrespect patrons regardless of it they are on or off the clock.