| - Bought a used Jeep Wrangler here a few months back. Went through the usual negotiation process, landed on both a price and an interest rate of 1.9%, both of which were written on a little slip of paper ceremoniously by the "back office" sales guy and handed to me. From that point onward, things got slow. Really slow. It was 3 hours later and I'm still standing outside of the Finance office. He yells out the door to the salesman, asking whether I'm leasing or buying, because the salesman was supposed to run my credit report if I'm buying, but apparently never did. More delays. The salesman acts like he's never sold a car in his life, and is confused about the process. I'm into my 4th hour when I finally am signing the final loan paperwork. It says 4% interest, not the agreed upon 1.9%. I completely lose it, demand it be changed to 1.9% or I'm walking out. The Finance guy acts like I'm crazy, says "it's what the computer spit out". I repeat again that I'm walking out if he doesn't fix it. Reluctantly he figures out how to fix it, while mumbling something about "can't believe I'm making a big deal out of $10 per month difference in payment". IT'S YOUR SALESMAN WHO MADE THIS COMMITMENT!!!! Let's see, $10 per month, 72 payments, $720. That's real money for us commoners who work for a living. And we expect you to live up to the deal that was closed (even if it was 4 hours ago). Avoid this dealership like the plague.