Restaurant review
I am still on the search for the perfect Thai restaurant in Champaign. This restaurant comes closest but it still misses the mark. I ended up with the traditional pad Thai dish with chicken. There was ample amounts of peanuts in this dish but it was rather on the greasy side. The nice thing about this restaurant is that there are no waiters and you bus you tray afterwards which means that you don't have to leave a tip. When you're ready you order at the counter they give you a number and you sit down at a table while you wait for him to bring out your food. The food is fresh but as I mentioned before it is a bit on the oily side. I did end up getting an appetizer of the fish cakes. The sauce is amazing however the fish cakes were a bit on the dry and chewy side. There's also a parking lot next to this restaurant however it is often difficult to find parking during normal school hours.
Pros: Cheap Thai food on a college campus, no need to tip
Cons: Food is bit on the greasy side in one of the most popular dishes is not even a Thai dish which is pho
Hidden deals:
Most of the dishes are very cheap
Health code rating: B. Overall clean feeling, looks like they have some issues with non-food contact surfaces.