I am partial to Jazz and I walked by the Cardinal and saw an ad for Jazz nite on Tuesday's at 9:00. It is an old bar which is very cozy. A room adjacent to the bar is where the jamming is done. Got there early and I asked the bartender if Jazz is on for 9:00. She sadi, yes they will be coming in soon. Don't iive or die by 9:00. I moved from the bar area into the band room. They were warming up. For this performance there was no min and no cover. All they ask is a "donation". They were damn good. It is unusual as some performers come and go during the course of the evening. There was a poetry reading as well as a great trombone player who played a set or two. They also encourage "amateurs" to join. It looked like College kids wanting to play for real! One woman, Kristen played a nasty tenor Sax. All of the amateurs were not far from being classified as pro's. It was a delightful evening. Oh yeah....FREE popcorn. Have fun and contribute to your neighborhood! I have seen and heard the keyboard player at other venues in Madison. He is INTENSE!
Johnny Chitown