| - My only real complaint is that they aren't closer to me. I registered here for my twins and I got 10% off everything, as did everyone buying stuff for me. We got a lot of great little things here- everything from hair bows and headbands, to swaddle blankets, cloth diaper covers to the diaper bag of all diaper bags (Skip Hop). Occasionally they'll run out of things because they are so popular. So, we had to get Car seats from another retailer, but would have preferred to get it here and have the free, safe install they provide when you do buy carseats here.
We also bought our cribs elsewhere, but only because we saw it was available at M2B, and therefore we felt comfortable that it was a good crib.
I made many trips back and forth to store to pick up items purchased off registry, even when I was 37 weeks with twins. Their customer service is top notch. They forgot to give me the twin discount one time, and they called ME to give me the refund, and mailed me the new receipt! Amazing. No more or less expensive than Toys R Us where customer service is the pits.