I've been a member of Vegas Hot for a little over 2 years and I honestly loved it after about a week ago which was the last time I was there.
So I walk upstairs and before entering the yoga room I stop to read the tacky, hand-written multi colored sign that tells us that it is mandatory to tip to keep our yoga instructors here. Tip your yoga instructor? For what? I'm not getting a personalized service am I?
Don't get me wrong the classes and instructors are GREAT! But to put signs up telling us to tip them? I did a little research to see if this was a trend and I couldn't find anything that said it happens elsewhere. It's such a shame and I feel bad but with a ton of members paying 50+ a month and the owner can't afford to keep his instructors there? Shame on him, pay your teachers and stop trying to demand that your clientele make up for what you're too greedy to give.
I'm sad to cancel my membership with them but I think if you're looking for somewhere to go to be comfortable, Vegas Hot is no longer the place.