| - Having lived nearby for nearly 15 years - I have obviously been to this location numerous times. In the past, sure there has been the occasional error on an order or whatever but i have never felt the inspiration to review this place as it was as expected.
However, current events cause for a current review. I'm a drive-thru person when it comes to my dynamic of patronage here. Lately, I have discovered smoothies and last week, I order a smoothie and after waiting three cars for my turn to the window they tell me the smoothie machine is down. Man, that sucks. Tell me when I'm ordering and not after waiting 10 minutes and then informing me and sending me on my way empty stomached. Ok, so I try again Monday and viola, scored one it was good and left me feeling positive about my smoothie groove. Tried again today, trying to squeeze it in but running late for work and what happens? I place my order and wait in the line for ten minutes and when I get to the window, I am informed the machine is not ready for smoothies and again am sent on my way. I'm late for work with no smoothie to comfort me!
Now, I would have been late due to my stopping in had the smoothie transaction been successful - but I would have a smoothie to counterbalance the effect. All we need here is a little training at order taking to know smoothie status. If you don't have smoothies available, then say sonar time of order so I can back out before I am trapped and spend ten minutes waiting in the drive thru and nothing to profit from it. For this, You gotta get two stars jack in the box. You are sucking right now