| - I heard about this Goodwill "outlet" and decided to give it a try. Here is the deal: You dig through bins (waist high and not too deep, surprisingly easy to search through) and find what you can. You take your load to the register, your finds get weighed and you pay $1.29 a pound. My huge arm load of stuff came to $15.
The goods are cast offs from all the other Goodwills in town; the stuff that didn't sell. You can imaging the clothing we are talking about: rags, generic boring clothes , ripped clothes, Faded Glory jeans from Kmart, weird shit you have no idea what it is, etc. 98% of the stuff no one would really want, unless you are on a tight budget and are buying for kids who outgrow stuff fast and wreck the clothes they wear anyway. For big families, this place is great.
BUT, if you dig and search hard enough you can find good, never worn designer stuff. I found a new pair of Citizens of Humanity jeans (retail $200+) Theory pants (retail $150+), A Local Celebrity T-shirt (retail $30+) Buffalo jeans (retail $100) a pair of kinda worn Diesel sneakers (retails $125), a beautiful pair of olive Zegna wool dress slacks made in Italy ($250+) and an amazing Diesel belt made in Italy ($200+) a Axis cardigan sweater (retail $45) and a pair of cK cargo pants, J. Crew khakis, and a pair of cool Plugg cargo pants. All this found at a regular thrift store would be considered a good thrifting day, but at this place, they were super deals.
The negatives are you really have to dig, nothing is on hangers and the men's, women's and children's clothing is all lumped together. There are people digging right there with you, so if you're next to a jerk or a clothes hog, things can potentially get testy. Bins get rolled out consistently but unannounced, so when a fresh bin gets delivered, it's like throwing chum in an ocean full of sharks. There are household stuff too, but since this stuff is heavier, the prices will be higher upon checkout.
The employees are surprisingly helpful and nice, which was a surprise. Overall, this place is not for a thrift store novice, but for a seasoned pro that knows clothing and can spot a deal among a frenzy. The day I was there it was not too bad, but when talking among fellow thrifters, I hear things can get crazy. There is also a Starbucks right next door, so you can easily load up on caffeine and get to work.
This place is ideal for my kinda deal hunting. I will be a regular.