| - I've been a Car2Go member for months now, and I love it. I agree with most of the opinions here that it needs work, but it's inherently such a well designed system that working out the kinks shouldn't be too much trouble and will be fixed in time.
1. Often it's cheaper or equal to the TTC. We live around the corner from three lots that usually have cars in them, and we mostly drive short distances around downtown. Last night from Yonge/Wellesley to Yonge/Eglinton was 6 dollars...same as a spin on the TTC for two.
2. I love the car. I used to own a Camry, and backing in, parallel parking, and passing bicyclists are all significantly easier maneuvers to achieve in a tiny little car. It's a little hurky jurky between 0-20 km/h, but just pretend it's a golf cart. No big deal.
3. Obviously, the one way rentals are phenomenally useful. Especially when it's raining when you leave but sunny on the return. Or if you feel like drinking. Or if you plan to go to a third destination.
4. Customer service has gotten bad rap, but I find them perfectly pleasant and willing to refund me minutes I lose to short issues. For example, the Mastercard-at-gas-stations problem, or when the dummy before me didn't park on the roof.
1. As mentioned, a lot of the other drivers are clearly not the brightest and park the car incorrectly, or as we once had to deal with, take a parking ticket instead of using the parking pass, and then boneheadedly take the ticket with them. Oh well, bad luck sometimes I pay the price of sharing with other people.
2. We tried filling up with gas and got turned away once, and won't ever do it again unless we happen to be passing a station when the car is below 25%. I'm sure they'll figure this out.
3. The SOS system can sometimes cost you minutes...we waited 15 minutes to be told the Nav led us to the wrong lot, and we couldn't end the trip. Being in the wrong lot was my fault, but waiting 15 minutes for help in the heat...well that sucked. They refunded us the minutes though, and then some, so I'm not going to hold a grudge. But I will, from now on, aim to get where I'm going ten minutes early just in case.
The pros clearly outweigh the cons. Car2go absolutely has reinforced my decision to sell my car, and I'm sure it'll only get better as they figure out these minute details.