Dont do it. I agreed to listen to them and in return they gave me a good rate on a place to stay for the Labor Day weekend. They are the nicest people to you when you are trying to locate the room. I sat and listened to the presentation and then they send you to talk to a salesman. Yes they were saying all the good stuff. I told them it sounds really good. He said ok and asked if I had 600 for a down payment. I said yes but not for him. I told him I don't just give money to someone after they give me a 45 minute presentation. I need to think about it. He tried and tried aynd tried. Told him no matter how he spins it the answer will still be no. His boss came over and tried. He even cut the prices and offered 2 free trips. No. I told him let me take the info home to talk it over and think about it. They didn't want to hear that. Eventually they got angry and got up. I laughed at them and did the final survey with another guy and left. I've always thought if it sounds too good to be true then it is. I left the building and got lost trying to find my way out. Asked them for help and they offered none. Got outside and ran into another timeshare guy working for Sapphire. Told him I just heard one of their presentations. The guy told me to come back the next day and he will give me $100 cash. So in the end they paid me and got nothing from me.