| - Having heard so many good things about this place, I wanted to give it a shot. The main thing that kept me from eating there is the really good taco shop just down the street and another good restaurant 3 doors down from Yayo. Couple that with the fact that I didn't realize it was Yayo that had the crowds and such when eating at the other place, I thought it was a different establishment.
I digress.
It was a midweek, late lunch when the wife and I finally gave Yayo a go. It was a relatively nice, blustery day, so the doors were all wide open, letting the natural light in, while the wind helped to keep the place from being too hot inside.
The menu looked small at first (on the display board) then we were handed full menus. Still not huge, just a single side of a piece of paper a step or two up from legal sized paper. The reverse side is their beer list, a huge, huge beer list.
Debating between their offerings, I settled on the chicken nachos, which is one of my gauges of a Mexican restaurant. If you can screw up chicken, cheese and chips, I don't want to give you a chance with anything else!
All of their non-beer drinks were single serving bottles or cans, including water (which is kind of ridiculous), then iced tea was suggested. Given the weather, a nice cup of iced tea sounded like it would hit the spot.
Finding a seat in the eclectically decorated, handmade looking, wood furniture featured dining area near the door, we enjoyed the breeze over a Las Vegas Weekly.
With a desire to quench my thirst, I took a sip of the tea... Why do places fail to mention when it is flavored tea? I am not a fan of most flavored teas, so getting a jasmine infused assault on my taste buds, literally, left a bad taste in my mouth.
After a reasonable wait, my nachos came out, the gentleman delivering them was very apologetic for the wait, explaining they had to melt the cheese, etc. It was refreshing to see someone feel bad for taking a reasonable amount of time, where most places act put off when you ask them why it took an hour for service.
Starting with some of the outlying chips, I dove in. The quality of the chips and cheese made it seem like flavored tea would be the worst part of the meal. And then... I got to the chicken.
Perhaps, I should have guessed if the tea was going to be flavored, the chicken may have had something 'off' with it as well. The best way I can describe the chicken is that it had a Mediterranean or Middle Eastern essence to it. If I was eating at Paymon's, I would have completely understood the flavoring.
Once I scraped all of the chicken off, the rest of the nachos were delicious, save for the bits that had absorbed some of the funky chicken's flavoring.
If I am in the mood just for some meatless nachos, and have something to drink in my pocket, I may go back. The quality of food was good, the ambiance was welcoming, some of the flavors though... I wouldn't give the chicken or tea a second chance.