Matt Poole, you failed miserably... if you were trying to make a crappy bar. The Roosevelt is a historic preservationist's dream, as the home it is in has been beautifully remodeled, even if it does feel like a frat party the way it is set up. I love the keg room with the glass wall making everything visible, it's very cool. I like the beer list, but the wine list and food menu leave a little to be desired. I'm a little confused why slim jim's (sun devil stix) are on the menu, as well as a grilled cheese and tomato soup... ok I like grilled cheese and soup, but not really at a bar. That doesn't exactly say upscale bar food, that says more like I'm naked on the couch watching Fast Times at Ridgemont High and I've got the munchies whats in the kitchen? In all, I gotta give it a 4 because the place is so well remodeled and they did such a good job of keeping the original parts of the home well preserved... along with the stellar beer list, just the food menu makes me scratch my head.