My wife and me were checking out. It was after 10p the cashier was a customer service manager. He was rude and unprofessional with us. My wife gave him a $100 dollar bill and he shortchanged us $20 and walked off. We yelled for him to come back. He did after few min looking agitated. We had the money on the shelf and told him it was short $20. He acted like we were trying to scam. After counting it he got $20 out the register and slapped it down with the other money and walked off as my wife thanked him. We never left the store or was trying to scam. The money was in camera view the whole time. Good thing he didn't go there because the police would have been called.
We just felt like we were criminals not valued customers that shopped there all the time. I can't remember his full name but started with R:(