One of my BFFs in high school lived around the corner from here, and this was a bit of our hangout joints. I probably haven't been back here since the early 90s. But I was killing some time yesterday and decided to pop into this place for retro sake. Gone was the fake Chinese food restaurant (Ginsburg and Wong) that my cousin had worked in back in the 80s, and pretty much most of the mall that existed here.
However, I was amazed to see probably the best food court in Toronto. It's much more like asian food stalls than mall food courts that we think of in the west. It had everything from a vegetarian specialist, very authentic looking Thai, Vietnamese, Korean, Falafels and yes even a McDs. Aside from the McDs, I walked by every stall and inspected carefully and it all looked awesome.
Even more interesting was the "Manpuku" Japanese eatery. It looked like a super cheap but yummie noodle/rice place. I didn't get to try it buts its definitely on the radar now. I have a feeling this is one of those hidden gems just waiting to blow up (in a good way). Can't wait to head back.
The Grange brought back lots of memories and made for a lovely surprise to another wise uneventful day.