| - The line for this place was craaazy long when we first walked by. So off to Solstice for lunch and mimosas we went. We knew at some point we would be coming to Popbar (whole reason for choosing NoDa to celebrate the bff's b-day), but were biding our time till the line was more manageable. It's a popular place, and my star rating obviously should suggest that it's worth it! From Solstice we went to Growlers, because the line at Popbar was still out the door. However we now had a good viewpoint to keep an eye on it. Couple of cocktails later and the line was no longer out the door so we ran across the street. The line immediately went back out the door hahah. Point of all this is, know that you may have to wait a hot minute on a Sunday afternoon to get your delicious gelato goodness (or sorbet, or yogurt). There are tooo many choices, however I ended up going with the popgelato (obvs) called Gianduia. The very nice young man said it was like their "nutella-esque" gelato. I was sold at nutella!! Hazelnut anything is my favorite and I was leaning towards the Hazelnut gelato anyways. So I decided I would go for broke and top it with almonds, half dipped in milk chocolate, and then drizzled with white chocolate. I'm not even really a big fan of white chocolate, but I got overly excited at the topping station! Because yes, this place is like the subway of ice cream pops!! You pick one and then add any toppings you want, they quickly kind of refreeze it and put it in a lovely drip guard as you check out. I being the ice cream junkie that I am was in heaven!! So much so that I completely forgot I gave up ice cream for lent... *fail* my brother swears it's okay because I was eating gelato not technically ice cream. I'm pretty sure the church would disagree, let's just hope God understands that the deliciousness that is Popbar deserves it's own category separate from plain old ice cream (whom I still love)!! However I will be back, because it was amazing. The bff got the pistachio topped with pistachios and some kind of chocolate situation. I tried hers and it was very very good!! I liked mine better though :D In the end I wholeheartedly suggest this place for anyone and everyone!!