So I've been sucked into the trend that is Teavana, and I don't regret it..most of the time. The tea is admittedly pricey, but you can find some pretty good deals from time to time, and in fairness, it is of great quality and lasts a good while if you store it (in one of their $$ tins) properly.
In terms of actual product, they deserve four stars, but they lose major points for their customer service. They're incredibly pushy and presumptuous to a level that is mighty discomforting for something as soothing as tea. I feel like if I want a sample I had better grab it and run, because if I dare ask any questions I'll be brought to the back to have $100 worth of tea (that I didn't ask for) measured and packed up ready for my immediate purchase. Of course I would reply with an "uhmm no thank you" which would then result in them trying to push me into something else. Ultimately I'm left either buying something I had no intention of buying or making up some story of why I have to go, and I don't like it.
I understand that it may take some persuasion to get a new customer to understand why their products are a worthwhile investment, but I feel like they really ought to find a classier way of doing it.