I actually like the coffee here. We just moved into the region and are so sick of Starbucks, so we started occasionally going here. I realize their holiday drinks are better. They had a promo going that we were planning on all week - now I understand we made an error in the times of the promo, but we walked in a few minutes after the promo time thinking we were still almost an hour early - the shift supervisor could not wait to announce we were to late while he ran to the sign and ripped it down in front of us. I guess I had misinterpreted the date as the hour - yes my error, but it was only a few minutes after the hour. His rudeness did it in for me. I may go back in the am and see how the store manager responds, but if it is more of the same it will be my last evening visit, and maybe my last visit. CUSTOMER SERVICE counts people - I guess I need to stick to Dutch Brothers where they go out of the way to make you feel welcome and glad you came!