Germs on my face+lack of knowledge of basic hand-washing=I WILL NEVER RETURN
I use to be a fan... But my most recent visits have changed my opinion. Have you ever had someone sneeze into their hand, and then try to touch your face?? I HAVE. EW.
A few days ago, I decided to stop in for an eyebrow threading. After a 35 minute wait, I was FINALLY called back. Eyebrow threading isn't their bread & butter, its all the other stuff they do here that is... So I was patient. 35 Minutes is a really long time to wait. I probably should have left. It would have stopped probably the grossest event possible from happening to me.
Mid-way through treading, the woman who was working on my eyebrown (asian, mid-40s, long hair-up) sneezes. I Say bless you... Then what does she do? Touch my face and try to go back to working on my eye brows. I had to ask her to please get off of me and go wash her hands. She didnt understand me, and showed me the bathroom and thought I wanted to Wash MY HANDS.... WHY? Who knows? She obviously doesnt understand basic sanitation in a salon. This was absolutely nasty. I actually had to explain that she wasn't touching my face again until she washed her hands and she seemed very offended by my suggestion. HOW GROSS!!!!???? I would never go back. I suggest you dont either. If she doesnt understand basic hand-washing skills, how clean do you their the equipment could be? Sounds like an eye infection waiting to happen. Gross. I wish I could give them negative stars. I cant believe I ever was a fan of this place, I hope my last positive review didnt get anyone sick.