| - BEWARE OF THEIR NATURAL FRAGRANCE OILS! First, the reviews on their site are useless because they filter them and basically only let the 3, 4, and 5 star, although clearly mostly 5 star, reviews go through. That is why all their products look like they have good or great reviews and also why there are so few reviews on many of their products, especially the natural fragrance oils. When you look at how much the company advertises all over the internet, you know that they have a lot of business. Why then are there so few reviews? I should have known that it was because they don't let the bad ones go through. That is quite deceiving and puts a very dark cloud over the company for me. I don't like deceptive companies. If they can't be transparent then something is wrong. How do I know they don't let the lesser star reviews post? Because I have written 6 of them in a straightforward, objective observatory way, nothing inflammatory, just giving my honest assessment of the natural fragrance oils I tried and not one of the reviews ever were posted by the filtering process. The highest rating I gave was 3 stars and the rest were 1 and 2 stars being that most of the oils smelled cheap and artificial, which is the opposite of what one is looking for in a natural fragrance oil. Anyway, be careful about this company.
Their shipping, however, was done in a timely manner.