| - a.k.a. "the eyebrow place".
Note: Personally, I have not been a client, but I have accompanied a gf here on a coupla occasions.
I have NEVER witnessed anyone getting a haircut or their nails done. There are literally 7-8 middle aged Indian women (+ 1 man at the back) who are constantly threading eyebrows, hairlines, and waxing upper lips. That's all they seem to do here at Grace.
Also, the 2 times I have been here, there has been a first come, first serve-type wait at the door. If no one's free, you have a seat, wait 'til a lady says, 'Next please', and step up if it's your turn. There are some clients who prefer specific 'threaders', so their wait may be longer.
$4 for brows, so it's no wonder this place is biz-zay!
Tip: Weekends are particularly busy, so expect a wait. As per the sign at the cash, do not pay in pennies, nickels, or dimes. Quarters+ seem to be a-okay! ;)